
Quality Assurance Activities

Quality Assurance Activities

  • To promote pedagogical innovation and encouraging innovative teaching practices among the staff and staff development.
  • To participate in NAAC Accreditation & Ranking Survey.
  • To participate in the International Accreditation process.
  • To monitor student progress & mentoring systems.
  • To organize relevant Seminars, Workshops, Industrial and Educational visits for all students.
  • To encourage students to excel in various sports events.
  • To motivate Faculty Members in Publication of Research Articles/Papers in Journals of International standards.
  • To implement Feedback Systems on Faculty, Curriculum, Performance, Library and Hostel facilities.
  • To implement Feedback Systems from Parents, Alumni & Employers.
  • To Promote entrepreneurial drive and create initiatives among students.
  • To Engage Students in constructive and sensitive services to the community.
  • To sensitize students towards national causes.
  • To develop linkages with Industry.
  • To facilitate expansion of revenue sources through consultancy.
  • To facilitate Faculty to apply to different state and central funding agencies for research projects.